I'm a flash game developer and programmer. My inspiration for game design generally comes from the NES/SNES days, but I've touched basically all there is and enjoy anything that's fun. I'm also the owner of Gemfruit Studios.

Porter @Matt-Porter


Game Developer

The Internet School of Awesome

Burlington, Vermont

Joined on 8/9/04

Exp Points:
18,482 / 18,660
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.24 votes
Police Captain
Global Rank:
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Latest News


Hey, Newgrounds!

Two big pieces of news!

First, I'm very proud to announce the announcement of The Untold Legacy Kickstarter! While generally a programmer and co-developer, I've taken on various different roles for this project, from writing, to marketing - it's a nice change of pace! We've worked incredibly hard on this, and if you're into Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Radiant Historia, or just action adventure games in general, you're sure to love it!

Secondly, I've been away from games, and as a result, Newgrounds, for quite some time. I'm not the bigest fan of that, and I've been taking measures with day to day life to get back into games, which in turn, means back into Newgrounds! Games have always been my passion, and I'm certain now more than ever that I don't just want to be making games, I need to. On that note, I expect to be leading my own game once more in 2018, and maybe we'll even see me working on a sequel to one of my previous titles - maybe even Tower of Greed?!

That's all for now, but I promise to be more active from here on out. I got my start at Newgrounds, and I'll absolutely never forget that. Thank you so much for reading, and if you get a chance to back our game, share it, or even just drop some commentson the trailer, it would mean the world to me - thanks!

Other NGers involved:

Art / Lead - https://uknownxl.newgrounds.com/
Audio - https://sound-tricks.newgrounds.com/


Recent Game Medals

5,350 Points

JohnnyUtah's Halloween Candy 10 Points

Visit JohnnyUtah on Halloween.

TomFulp's Halloween Candy 10 Points

Visit Tom on Halloween.

Time to Make It! 5 Points

Play "Make it as an Artist"

Star 2 10 Points

This one was a bit sneaky

Shadow 5 Points

Complete the first five levels

Good Call 5 Points

Choose to play this amazing game of ours that makes you feel better about the world you live in.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Time for Expansion 25 Points

Buy the final upgrade.

Millionaire 25 Points

Earn $1,000,000.