So I've just started my first solo project as of late, haven't done one in over a year. I made some decent cash from stabika 2 and i'd like to see what I'm capable of on my own, for financial reasons and as a personal test to myself.
Not much info on the game, just gonna say its going to be a puzzle type game, but more action then a game like tetris or any of those games, you'll be involved far more then useing your head and spending lots of time thinking things over, you'll do all that and have to react quickly and change things up depending on what may happen. It should be lots of fun in the end, still developing the engine as of now and doing the basic structure scripting.
Also music will be featured by Mike Taylor, look him up, he has a few things here on newgrounds and alot more not on newgrounds, I hope to see some nice loops in this game from him.
|| Project currently abandoned due to camera difficulties ||