So Dominus Void did rather well, it was .02 from getting a daily 5th award, ya I checked because I wanted one that badly hehe. Anyway, the reviews are incredibly good, and those alone make up for the lack of award, and almost got me a review crew pick actually. It finished with a 3.73 which on some days would be a daily first, however it was a rough day and I had to up against Tom himelf with his release of Bytesize , that's right Tom, you ruined my daily 5th opportunity, I don't know how long it'll take for me to get over this, but for now, I think we just need some space :P I'm still hoping for front page as the feedback on Dominus Void was amazing, some saying it should be on front page, others calling it the best puzzle game they have ever played, I guess we'll just have to see if it get's noticed, if not, I'll just have people help get it into the puzzle games collection and hope it gets a little more attention from there.